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 Log entries Rendezvous    5x 1x {{log_note}} 0x Photo 1x Gallery  

9144 04-01-2025 01:17 mic@ (user activity1) - Maintenance performed

The event has been recycled to 2026-jan-03.
Hope to see some users this time.
Greetings from Berlin, mic@ 

8609 06-01-2024 11:46 fraggle_DE (user activity0) - Attended

Nice event! Thank you for hosting. :o)

8610 06-01-2024 00:37 mic@ (user activity1) - Attended

I have been there (naturally), but no one from NL. 
So I will reset this listing to 2025 soon and hope for more visitors next year.
Until then happy caching, Mic@

Recently modified on 08-01-2024 00:47:23 by user mic@ - totally modified 1 time.

8481 26-10-2023 17:08 harrieklomp (user activity358) - Ready to be found

Cache is beschikbaar. Veel succes!

8480 26-10-2023 07:35 mic@ (user activity1) - Maintenance performed

7745 07-03-2023 04:30 SYSTEEM (user activity0) - Archived

Evenement is na 2 maanden automatisch gearchiveerd.

7195 01-02-2023 16:02 GeoKars (user activity0) - Attended

Het was erg interessant een keer aan een virtueel event van deel te nemen, specifiek in de tijd dat we een blog over opencaching aan het schrijven waren.

De blog staat inmiddels online:

Dank voor de organisatie!
Hartelijke groet,
GeoKars - onderweg met GEOrgCACHING als DNF

7109 07-01-2023 22:50 10. OC-HQ Orga (user activity7) - Attended

We took part in this european come-together as the "10th OC-HQ-Orga"-team for to advertize our upcoming headquarter-event in Cologne, Germany: OB1BF8.

It was nice to see many well-known faces and comrades again.


7108 07-01-2023 22:11 GEOrgCACHING (user activity103) - Attended

Das war ein interessantes Event, einiges dazu gelernt. Hat Spaß gemacht!
Vielleicht sehen wir uns ja mal irgendwo (evtl. in W'tal?) in reel.

(Deutsch-Niederländische Freundschaft)
onderweg met GeoKars
Pictures for this log entry:

7107 07-01-2023 20:15 GEOrgCACHING (user activity103) - Will attend

Ja, we zijn er.

(Deutsch-Niederländische Freundschaft)
onderweg met GeoKars

6411 01-01-2022 20:30 mic@ (user activity1) - Maintenance performed

Such a pity that nobody from NL joined our virtual videoconference.
Next chance will be on 07-jan-2023 (saturday), the listing just got modified with this new schedule.
Greetings from Berlin, Mic@ (team  

6409 28-12-2021 18:22 OC Team - OC Team comment

De cache is goedgekeurd door het OC Team