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De Ronde Tafel van ridder Kuniberg - OB1BFC
The 10th headquarter's BBQ and funny bingo lottery
Proprietar: 10. OC-HQ Orga
Lista participanţilor
Autentifică-te pentru a putea vedea coordonatele.
Altitudine: 105 m
 Zonă: Germania > Köln
Tip geocutie: Eveniment
Mărime: Fără cutie
Stare: Arhivată
Timp necesar: 5:00 h    Distanţă de parcurs: -
Data evenimentului: 26-08-2023
Data creării: 14-01-2023
Data publicării: 15-01-2023
Ultima modificare: 26-10-2023
3 Am participat
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0 Comentarii
watchers 0 utilizatori care urmăresc această geocutie
5 vizitatori
1 x votat
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Listen, listen, you people!


After a hard day's work, a relaxing evening awaits you. Wounds have to be treated, bones have to be straightened. The mind also needs some relaxing amusement..


In the night camp of the intrepid treasure hunters and indefatigable rangers is my table, where you can satisfy your culinary needs. Tell your stories with a good drink and rich food. Reports on the experiences in the deep rural forests or hidden caves, while the coal crackles softly and slowly transforms your chosen piece of animal into a fragrant, tasty meal (subject to changes due to adverse weather). Bread and a potato salad will round off the meal. Enjoy the unique air of the Bergisches Land in the evening and take this memory with you to your loved ones at home.

In the hostel and at the 10th OC-HQ-Orga-team everything can (and should!) be paid for with "Gülden"
This link explains the Gülden.



But also hear my proclamation!

   On distant shores I plundered valuable treasures, bartered for rare relics and snatched many a piece of gold from the ship's cargo. Far, far away, on the edge of the earth's disc, I became acquainted with a strange game of chance. The natives called it:
I want to gamble for my treasures with you tonight!
I'll explain the rules over the course of the passing hourglass, when you've eaten, the booze is slowly making your landlubber brains sway and the Gülden sits loosely...

All of that glamour and glitter I've accumulated over the time of my 821 cursed years as a ghost. I'm so tired of this!



So that your hourglass doesn't turn into a snow globe from turning around too much, here is the schedule of when and where you are expected.

 As beside-part of this year's main meeting we offer:

Sunday, March 26, 2023, 2:30 p.m.:
OC only - meet on the mountain - Helping hands for preparation needed!

Friday, August 25, 2023, 2:00 p.m. to Sunday, August 27, 2023, 10:00 a.m.:
Knight Kuniberg's hostel - the overnight event

Friday, August 25, 2023, 7:00 p.m.:
Edwin von Caphorn cooks - spooky cook

Saturday, August 26, 2023, 10:15 a.m.:
Knight Kuniberg tells stories - a guided tour through the innermost castle

Saturday, August 26, 2023, 12:00 high noon:
10th HQ event - the main-event.

Saturday, August 26, 2023, 7:00 p.m.:
Knight Kuniberg's Round Table - The funny bingo and BBQ for hungry opencachers

Sunday, August 27, 2023, 11:30 a.m.:
Edwin von Caphorns bridging - Farewell underneath Germany's highest railway-bridge

Knight Kuniberg
Edwin von Caphorn
Trebuie să te autentifici pentru a vedea indiciile
Ridder Kuniberg
Edwin von Caphorn
bingo avond
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