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Overbrugging van Edwin von Caphorn - OB1BFD
Say goodbye to the 10th headquarter-event
Propriétaire: 10. OC-HQ Orga
Liste des participants
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Altitude: 94 sous le niveau de la mer
 Région: Allemagne > Düsseldorf
Type de boite: Événement
Taille: Aucune boîte
État: Archivée
L’heure est requise: 2:00 h    Distance à parcourir: n/a
Date de l’événement: 27-08-2023
Date de création: 15-01-2023
Date de publication: 15-01-2023
Dernière mise à jour: 27-10-2023
3 À participé
2 Participera
0 notes
watchers 0 observateurs
6 visiteurs
1 x notation
Évalué comme: n/a
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I, Edwin von Caphorn, am a well-travelled seafarer. Sometimes, however, I ended up taking waterways inland. I sailed my ship through deep canyons and wild forests - always looking for new adventures.

I was particularly taken with this waterway through the Bergisches Land with its inhabitants. The poor had to go from one mountain peak through a deep valley to the next mountain peak in order to do their business. There has to be a different solution...



Many centuries after Edwin von Caphorn's train of thought, Anton von Rieppel planned a railway bridge that would connect the cities of Solingen and Remscheid. The construction of the arched bridge lasted from 1895 to 1897. At 107 m, the Müngsten Bridge is the highest railway bridge in Germany. Its inauguration was so important that the Emperor Wilhelm I. came by and baptized her in his name.


We will find out more on a guided tour through the bridge park, which stretches along the Wupper under the Müngsten Bridge. The hike starts at 11:30 a.m. at the above-mentioned event coordinates. There is a bus stop there. The tour is pre-financed by us, we ask for Gülden in the OC donation stock.


Then at the end of the bridge park there is the opportunity to strengthen yourself at the shop of the mini golf course with delicacies from the Bergisches Land, among other things and,

to hear the official announcement of where next year's 11th OC HQ event will be held and which team has the honour to host..


For the sake of completeness, we would like to draw the attention of those of you with a head for heights to the special possibility of climbing the bridge with a professional rope team. Since this is very popular, early registration for such a T5 high-altitude flight is strongly recommended.

Anyone who would like to see the other side of the river or who has hiked along the Wupper from Unterburg in the direction of Münsten can easily cross over with the transporter bridge.


With these last impressions and a picnic blanket on the banks of the river Wupper, we end the 10th OC HQ event days...
and thank you very much for your visit.


Ritter Kuniberg

Edwin von Caphorn

and the 10th HQ orga team




So that your hourglass doesn't turn into a snow globe from turning around too much, here is the schedule of when and where you are expected.

As beside-part of this year's main meeting we offer:

Sunday, March 26, 2023, 2:30 p.m.:
OC only - meet on the mountain - Helping hands for preparation needed!

Friday, August 25, 2023, 2:00 p.m. to Sunday, August 27, 2023, 10:00 a.m.:
Knight Kuniberg's hostel - the overnight event

Friday, August 25, 2023, 7:00 p.m.:
Edwin von Caphorn cooks - spooky cook

Saturday, August 26, 2023, 10:15 a.m.:
Knight Kuniberg tells stories - a guided tour through the innermost castle

Saturday, August 26, 2023, 12:00 high noon:
10th HQ event - the main-event.

Saturday, August 26, 2023, 7:00 p.m.:
Knight Kuniberg's Round Table - The funny bingo and BBQ for hungry opencachers

Waypoints supplémentaires
Symbole Type Coordonnées Description
Aire de stationnement --- gratis grote parkeerplaats
Départ du sentier --- Halte Brückenpark lijn 658 vanuit Remscheid
Départ du sentier --- Bushalte Brückenpark Lijn 687 in het weekend vanaf Burg (Solingen)
Indices supplémentaires
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Müngsten 1
Müngsten 2
Müngstener 3
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